


姓名:智玉英     性别:女       出生年月:19891

职称:讲师      学历:博士研究生   学位: 博士

Email: catherine.zhi@foxmail.com




20137月毕业于东北大学, 获英语学士学位;

20157月毕业于东北大学, 获外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学位;

20177月于美国肯塔基大学参加美国语言学会(Linguistic Society of America)暑期学校;


201910月毕业于香港教育大学, 获语言学博士学位;




(1)参与菏泽市教育科学研究院市级教育教学研究项目:《中国英语能力等级量表》对高中生英语写作能力的指导性研究 (2020-2021);

(2)参与国家社科基金语言类重点项:基于语料库的大学英语语言能力标准特征参数研究 (2013-2019,项目编号13AYY005);

(3)参与香港大学资助委员会资助的香港教育大学和香港科技大学合作项目: ELPA: a collaborative project on developing an English test to assess studentsEnglish proficiency after admission 2015-2017);

(4)参与中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目:面向国际化的大学生语言能力量表的研制与开发 (2013-2015,项目编号N130215001)

(5)参与香港教育大学资助项目:Investigating and Comparing English Departments in Institutional Reviews: Developing a Measure for Meaningful Comparisons 2013-2014.



智玉英 & 赵雯. (2016). 基于语料库的非英语专业大学生词汇能力研究. 外语教育研究(3), 19-24.



(1) Zhi, Y. (2018). A Frequency View of Causal Verb HAVE Development in L2 Writings. International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 3-6.

(2) Zhi, Y. & Cheung, H. (2018). Periphrastic causatives acquisition: what can frequency tell us? The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference English Language Teaching in the Changing Glocalised World: Research and Praxis. University of Macau, Macau, June 27-29.

(3) Zhi, Y. & Cheung, H. (2018). A Cognitive Linguistic View of L2 Chinese Learners Use of Periphrastic Causative Construction. The International Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 4-5.

(4) Zhi, Y. & Cheung, H. (2017). Error Analysis of MAKE Patterns in Chinese Learners of English at Intermediate and High-intermediate Proficiency Level. Linguistic Society of America's 2017 Linguistic Institute, University of Kentucky, USA, July 5- August 1.

(5) Zhi, Y. & Cheung, H. (2016). The Use of MAKE Patterns in Chinese Learners of English at Intermediate and High-intermediate Proficiency Level. The 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong, December 9-10.

(6) Zhi, Y. & Cheung, H. (2016). Development of a Discipline-based Word List: a pilot study on Social Science and Creative Arts. 2016 International Conference & Workshop on English for Specific Purposes. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Tai Wan, October 27-29.

(7) Zhi, Y. (2015). A Corpus-based Study of Lexical Collocation Changes in College Students English Writings. The International Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Technology Advancement (CoLTA). The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 16-18.

(8) Xiao, Y & Zhi, Y. (2015). Formative Assessment in a Test-Dominated Context: How Can Test Practices Become More Productive? The 13th Asia TEFL International Conference Creating the Future for ELT in Asia: Opportunities and Directions. Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center, Nanjing, China. November 6-8.